LIVE Assistant - Everyone could use an Assistant:
The Live Assistant will run on Facebook Groups and Pages and be your assistant during live sales. She will respond to Sold, Pass and Help messages from your customers. As Facebook occasionally swallows unintentionally Sold and other comments, we catch those comments, capture them as a sale and broadcast them again for you and your customers so they are not lost. This will increase your confidence that you are capturing all of your opportunities for sales. When you have a unicorn piece with many claiming at once, Live Assistant will look at the exact time stamps of the Sold messages reaching Facebook and rank the one that won the claim and runner-ups in order. This takes the tension off of you to be an arbitrator. We also deliver a real-time Live Dashboard, shown in the picture that can optionally sit side by side with you during a Live Sale. This way a Sold or Pass will not be missed and you can quickly respond to any "did this already sell questions since your sales are all listed here on the Live Dashboard. As you can see in the Live Sale example two customers claimed the same item near simultaneously. Live Assistant checked the time stamps and announced that Vivian claimed the item with Mary Ellen as the back-up in case you have two, in case Vivian decides to pass later on or doesn't pay her invoice.
Live Dashboard -
You now have a real-time tracker during live sales with the customer name and claim number. We make this interface large enough that even from a phone you can read it from a presentation distance. You can quickly identify a new sale (the large one on top is the most recent sale), and put the item with the number in a bag, bin or back on a hanger and move on to the next sale. If someone claims Sold on an item later in the LIVE, you no longer have to look for that item to find out if it's sold. The response from Live Assitant will assure you and your customer that the item was already claimed or the customer has just claimed it. These automation improvements, as well as clarity in the selling process, enables you to focus on selling the next item and being entertaining and generally move faster to keep up the selling excitement level.
If a claim winner Passes, Live Assistant will acknowledge the Pass and either announce the item is available again and remove it from the Dashboard or post a comment announcing to the next on the wait list they have now claimed the item and update the dashboard for you. IMPORTANT TIP - Your Live Dashboard must stay open for it to continue responding to customer comments. Also, before you start your LIVE, turn off the screen saver/sleep on your device so they do not turn off during your LIVE Event.
Live Assistant Settings -
The responses on Live Assistant can be changed to suit your personality and style in the Live Assistant Settings. Live Assistant looks at your Facebook Live comments from you and your customers looking for Keywords at the BEGINNING of a comment. The three default Keywords Live Assistant looks for are Sold, Pass and Help. But if you wish to use a different Keyword for any of these options, feel free to change the Keyword in the Blue boxes (for example, you could change Sold # to Claim #) You will notice the Keywords are repeated a few times. If you change the Keyword in the Blue box, all the same keywords will automatically change below. Each Keyword copy allows you to decide what is said for each specific condition. For example, for Sold, the first condition is for each First Valid Sold Comment per ItemNumber (i.e. The claim winner). This customer will be marked the winner and in the Blue Action section, you can modify what is commented back to the Live Stream announcing the winner with your personality. You will notice variables like %FBName%. This variable will be substituted with the actual customer name that won the claim. Feel free to move this variable around, just ensure that you don't change the % signs or contents inside the variable. If you have a checkout/registration process for your shopping experience, you may wish to add a sentence on this line asking your customers to "If you're finished shopping, please check out at" or something similar. Perhaps you don't like the word "Help" and want to change it to "Info", no issues, just click in the Keywords box for Help and replace it with Info or another choice you wish. Perhaps you don't want this to be Help or Info, Perhaps you want it to be Warranty, Care, Pricing, etc. It's your decision what makes sense for your business. In the future, we will offer a version that adds more keywords.
Introduction Instructions - The content in Introduction Instructions will be the first comment that is posted. A nice tip is to choose this information wisely and then when it comes up, pin it to your Live so it's always visible.
History / Invoicing
At the end of the Live, close down your Live and Live Assistant will switch to History / Invoicing mode. You will have a list by the customer and all they claimed for invoicing. They include an Invoicing checkbox so you can check them off as you invoice. If you see a gap where there is not a name, you will see that one customer bought multiple items, so those breaks are additional items purchased by the person named just above. You will also see a Total number for that customer higher than one.
Post your Live for Rewind Shopping. Customers can write Sold item in the comments, offline. You can then run the Live Assistant again in a few hours or the next day when your ready pointing not to a "New Live Stream", but instead to the posted Live you did. It will start from where you left off when you closed the LIVE and look for additional SOLD and Pass comments and make those changes on the Sales History for that Live. You can then look for additional Claims you have not invoiced and Invoice & Check them off as well. If a customer does not pay, you can pass them and the next in line will be notified and you can invoice them. We believe we can make this process even better as time goes by, but for now, this should still be a solid time saver.