If you need to change your Subscription, including canceling, you can do so by going to Settings / Subscriptions.  Use the pull-down menu to choose the option you wish.  

To Upgrade from Loyalty Rewards Standard to Pro - Go to Settings / Subscriptions, use the pull-down menu and choose the Pro-choice you would like Monthly or Year.  Monthly is just that monthly and you can quit anytime you wish.  We just won't charge you for the next month forward.  If you subscribe for a Year and need to quit, we will Prorate your subscription to the day.  If you upgrade to Pro Monthly, You likely won't see a charge for the difference of the upgrade until the following month.  So, you paid 9.99 for the current month, then upgrade to Pro (no charge immediately).  Then next month, you will be charged 14.99 for the Pro Monthly, then a pro-rated amount from the previous month, so a bill >$14.99, yet less than $20 will happen that next month. The following month on will remain $14.99.  

To Downgrade from Pro to Standard - Go to Settings / Subscriptions and pull down the menu and choose Standard Monthly or Standard Pro.  If those options are not available, it means you have 250 or more customers and you must use a Pro account or get your customers under 250.  

To Cancel: If you choose to Cancel, I'm sorry it didn't work out.  If your account is monthly, just go to Settings / Subscriptions and choose Cancel from the main menu, then Update Plan.  If you had a monthly subscription, then your subscription is now canceled and we will not charge you again.  If you had a monthly subscription, wait 3-5 days to get a refund.  If you do not get a refund, drop us a note at support@loyalshops.com, tell us you canceled a yearly subscription and need a refund.  Please include the email you use to log into LoyalShops in the email.